Jerry Wang

Vice Chairman of BenQ Corporation.
Seventh and Eighth President of TEBA

Seventh and Eighth President

“Everyone knows the brand is good, but they don’t forget about OEM”. This can be used to describethe internal struggles of a lot of Taiwanese companies. In recent years, through the encouragement of the government and the media advocating for brand creation, and with the success stories of several brand pioneers on the international stage, the struggle has become less of a confusion and there are less and less contentions. Of course, the brand is very important. The brand is a long-term promise, but is also the core to creating even longer term and sustainable management.

When brand creation is not the question any more, the next question you face is how to manage the brand? In this past year (2008), I personally visited numerous enterprises that are TEBA members, held a number of CEO level branding discussion, and provided in-depth guidance to four excellent brand member companies. I deeply felt that my vision for TEBAwhen I became the president of the Association – hundreds of brand equals army of thousands – is correct, and is also the hope of most of our members. The role and part played by branding will be very important in the next creation of value for Taiwan. The problem is the severe lack of talent for international brand management and marketing and that there is no one system or protocol that can be applied to Taiwan’s special management models. Each business need to explore and learn through trial and error, which can lead to high cost of learning, not to mention the less-than-forgiving timeframe to reach success.

The world of brands is all about branding and everyone is working to rise above others. But going from new to well-recognized brand, is it a short or long road? Do you arrive at your destination after a long trek, or do you reach it in leaps and bounds? Do you perish midway, or reach the goal after exhausting everything? Not only the determination of the enterprise owner is needed, but also the practical experience assistance from brand pioneers! In the Association’s virtual and actual band platform, we combine the practical experts of all the benchmark brands, integrate them with the academic theories and resources, and then add the government branding resources as your support! TEBA acts as a comprehensive, professional unit that assists enterprises with their brand!

The most important foundation of a brand is to have talents! To consolidate a solid foundation, it is only from the source to start, and talents are the source of brand success.TEBA's brand talent training is not only theoretical communication, but more importantly, it helps brand executives to solve the problems they face today. Through practical understanding, positive processing, effective review of results, and practical training system, talent training can be rooted in the enterprises. Through the dissemination of brand information and successfully foster the impact of brand talent, help enterprises to lead the follow-up to the right road of brand!

In the next 5 years, this grand vision will continue be carried out, be implemented, and accepted! I believe with the support of all our members, the vision of hundreds of brand equals army of thousands is not just a slogan, not a dream, but something that can be achieved and all our member can share in the results!