
Look at brands, talk about brands, and find the key formula of success for Taiwanese brands.

Taiwan Brands Yearbook 2017

  • Interviews with the more iconic brands from all over Taiwan, providing in-depth analysis and explore the key elements of success for the development of Taiwanese brands and enterprises.


  • To match up with changes in reading and listening habits, this is Taiwan’s only professional branding electronic periodical. Using the features of electronic newsletters, the goals of sharing new brand information and practical experiences anytime, anywhere is achieved.

Branding 100

  • Organizing the key 100 questions that enterprises faces when managing their brands, discussed based on actual operation experience from the head of these enterprises and expert managers in order to provide a reference to those enterprises looking to develop their brand.

Target Focus

  • Using the three major topic of key to innovation, the trend compass and brand image to explore the thought process for brand innovation, grasp of the market trend and deep case study and analysis of brand development.

Brand Strategy Map - Brand Power

  • Focusing on the three major issues of brand management by companies – strategy, product and marketing – by using expert brand knowledge as the foundation, and lead into the practical implementation references, it is the best reference book helping corporate management or brand transformation.

Brand Strategy Map - Product Power

  • Focusing on the three major issues of brand management by companies – strategy, product and marketing – by using expert brand knowledge as the foundation, and lead into the practical implementation references, it is the best reference book helping corporate management or brand transformation.

Brand Strategy Map - Marketing Power

  • Focusing on the three major issues of brand management by companies – strategy, product and marketing – by using expert brand knowledge as the foundation, and lead into the practical implementation references, it is the best reference book helping corporate management or brand transformation.