ATUNAS - Keep Pushing the Limits



Pushing limits and seeking sustainability, ATUNAS wants to become the most eco-friendly outdoor brand in Asia.


 Driven by the passion for nature and a vision of "letting the world see Taiwan," ATUNAS organized  Taiwanese mountaineers to conquer the highest peaks on seven continents. Seeking sustainability, ATUNAS pioneered recyclable, fully circular sports shirts. It vows to become Asia's most eco-friendly outdoor brand by 2031. This is the journey of 50-year-old SME  born and raised in Taiwan that continues to push boundaries and break records.


減碳先行者! 號召登山愛台灣

Pioneers in Carbon Reduction! Leading the Outdoor Sports Trend for Half a Century



    The school playground was filled with excitement, with hundreds of fully equipped hikers warming up to the music for the upcoming hiking event. This event named "Leave No Trace," organized by Atunas, Taiwan's leading outdoor sports and leisure brand, annually designs dozens of hiking routes inviting the public to actively participate. The ultimate goal of the event is to promote eco-friendly outdoor activities that minimize environmental impact and encourages people to exercise in a low-carbon, sustainable manner. The core idea is to hike and clean the mountains at the same time, leaving no human trace behind, personally embodying the environmental protection principles.

    Over 14 years, Atunas's  "Leave No Trace" event has attracted +210,000 participants, with a total climbing height of 109 million meters. which are equivalent to climbing the Taipei 101 building 21,476 times or summiting Mount Everest 12,330 times, contributing significantly to Taiwan's hiking culture while also raising Atunas’ profile.

穿衣也無痕! 首創100%全循環衣

Zero Waste in Clothing! Atunas Launches 100% Recyclable Clothing

不只追求山林無痕,歐都納透過創新研發,讓機能運動衣也實現零廢棄。2023年4月,歐都納整合國內紡織上下游,打造全台首創「MIT戶外紡織品循環圈,與紡織原料大廠南亞塑膠合作,從源頭推動單一材質化,並結合末端回收體系,推出全台第一件100% 全回收/循環/再利用服飾,從源頭廠商到製程、消費者、循環再生,真正做到全循環概念。

 我們日常穿著的服裝,布料材質與鈕扣、拉線、洗標材質不同,回收時必須拆解分類,難度高、效益低。歐都納本著以終為始的概念,利用80%回收寶特瓶及20%單一聚酯纖維材質二手衣、餘布,回收再製成All Love歐愛循環衣,整件衣服從布料、織標、布標、拉鏈、鈕扣、車縫線,都由單一材質製成,全衣無需繁複分選,即可直接粉碎、造粒、抽紗、再製,達成回收循環再利用。循環衣所使用的印染油墨,也能在回收再製的脫色過程中去除。


Atunas isn’t just committed to leaving no trace in the mountains; they’ve also applied technological innovations to clothing. In April 2024, Atunas launched Taiwan’s first “MIT Outdoor Textile Ecological Circularity”, which successfully united up- and down-stream supply chain parters.  To create a groundbreaking zero-waste sports shirt, ATUNAS first collaborated with Nan Ya Plastics and achieved single-material from the source. The R&D efforts succeeded. In 2023, Atunas introduced to the market Taiwan’s first 100% fully recyclable, reusable, and renewable clothing. From material, manufacturing, consumer use to end-of-life recycling,  a true circular economy is realized.

Typically, fabrics of clothing are made of materials different from those of buttons, threads, and labels; which makes recycling extremely difficult and labor-intensive. To address this problem, Atunas adopted the Cradle-to-Cradle concept and created the 'All Love Recycled Clothing' product line. The garments are made of 80% recycled PET bottles and 20% single-material polyester from used clothes and fabric scraps.  Every elements of All Love, from fabric, labels, sewing threads, zippers to buttons, are made from a single material. This allows for the whole garment to be easily recycled—crushed, granulated, spun, and remade—without the need for labor-intensive sorting. Even the dyes and inks are carefully selected so that they can be easily removed in the decolorization process.  All Love also use 100% biodegradable packaging!

To expand the impact of its “Zero Waste Ecosystem,” Atunas has partnered with recyclers and set up 31 recycling stations across Taiwan, encouraging consumers to recycle their clothes. With every item recycled, customers can earn bonus points as an incentive. As the circular system matures, Atunas plans to release its first 100% single-material jacket in spring 2025 as part of the 'All Love,”  making textile sustainability a reality.

呼應SDGs 目標亞洲最環保戶外品牌

Echoed with UN SDGS, Atunas Strives to be the most eco-friendly outdoor brand in Asia



    For many years, Atunas has been pushing the boundaries of sustainable clothing. Starting nearly 20 years ago, it partnered with suppliers to use recycled PET bottle yarns, nano bamboo charcoal, and other green materials. In 2014, it became the first Taiwanese company to pass the carbon footprint certification for clothing, launching Taiwan's first waterproof and breathable functional garment with international carbon footprint and Taiwan carbon label certifications. In 2017, Atunas launched the "Energy-Saving Shirt," which effectively blocks 70% of near-infrared and harmful UV rays, helping wearers stay cooler. In 2020, it developed thermal underwear for mountaineers, made from 100% recycled PET yarn.

    In the last decade, Atunas has consistently innovated, building the foundation for 100% circular recyclable clothing and promoting the textile recycling circle. Aiming to become Asia’s most eco-friendly outdoor brand by 2031, Atunas is aligning with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), contributing to "Responsible Consumption and Production," "Climate Action," "Conservation of Land and Marine Ecosystems," and "Global Partnerships."


征服全球頂峰 提升國力與品牌力

7 Summits and 8K Peaks Conquered, Lifting Taiwan's Image and Atunas's Brand





  為進一步落實台灣的高海拔攀登運動,並提升國內攀登者的能力,歐都納自2013年發起「八千米同學會」訓練計畫,籌辦6屆全學期的海外遠距離攀登訓練課程,並透過攀登獎助金的徵選,鼓勵年輕登山者跨出舒適圈,勇敢前進海外攀登。2021年疫情期間,為了培育台灣戶外探險好手,歐都納推動Atunas X Team計畫,持續贊助台灣好手進行登山、攀岩、露營、水域等探險計畫,讓更多人親山愛山,發現家園之美。多年下來歐都納投入經費已超過新台幣7000萬元。



    To showcase Taiwan's capability in mountaineering, Atunas's 7 Summits and 8K Climbing projects are yet another ground-breaking efforts.  In the 1996 Mount Everest disaster, mountaineer circle in Taiwan were hard hit. To regain morale and pride, Atunas decided to do something and brought impacts.

    In 2006–2009, Atunas launched the "Seven Summits Climbing Project," calling on domestic mountaineers to conquer the highest peaks in 7 continents.  The 7 summit team successfully reached Mount Elbrus in Europe, Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa, Aconcagua in South America, Mount Vinson in Antarctica, Mount Everest and other two summits, significantly increased the visibility of Taiwanese mountaineers on the international stage.

    In 2011, Atunas supported the Executive Yuan’s Sports Affairs Council in promoting the "National Climbing Movement" to encourage public participation. The movement were further expanded into the "Healthy 100 Citizens for All Little Baiyue", in which 100 of the most scenic hills in Taiwan were selected for climbing. Nearly 40,000 people participated, and a world record was set with 6,136 people simultaneously climbing various mountains. This left an indelible mark on Taiwan's image as a mountaineering nation in the global community! In the same year, Atunas launched the "Explore Little Baiyue" campaign, focusing on low-altitude, easy-to-navigate hiking routes near urban areas.  With incentives and rewards provided, public participation increased year by year.  Over the course of 13 years, the total height climbed  was equivalent to summiting Mount Everest 11,612 times.

    That same year, Atunas made another bold attempt by launching the "8K Climb" massive expedition. Members in the 8K Climb team summited the world's 13th highest peak Gasherbrum II in 2014, the 12th highest peak Broad Peak (8,051 meters) in 2014, and the Xianwu Mountain in Sichuan, China, in 2017, setting successive national records of first-ascents.

    To further encourage high-altitude mountaineering in Taiwan and to cultivate more domestic talents, Atunas initiated the "8K Club" training program in 2013. This program has held six terms of semester-long overseas remote mountaineering training courses.  Atunas also offers climbing scholarships to encourage young mountaineers to step out of their comfort zones and venture abroad for climbing. Due to the global pandemic, Atunas shifted the focus in 2021 from overseas mountaineering to all types of outdoor sports and introduced  the "Atunas X Team" project, which continues to sponsor Taiwanese adventurers in mountaineering, rock climbing, camping, and aquatic activities. The goal is to unveil Taiwan's natural beauty for more people to fall in love with. Over the years, these initiatives have cost more than NT$70 million.

     Atunas's sponsorship and dream-fulfilling projects allowed more Taiwanese mountaineering enthusiasts to receive solid, comprehensive training that includes drafting expedition proposals and mountain leadership courses, shaping a health culture of mountaineering in Taiwan while nurturing elite climbers as seed tutors.

    Due to these efforts in encouraging public participation, Atunas has been awarded the "Sports Promotion Award" for 10 consecutive years by the Ministry of Education's Sports Administration, earning the Gold Medal in the Promotion Category, for its contribution in shaping sports culture.


首推全薪運動假! ESG從友善員工做起

Fully Paid Sports leaves! ESG Started from Taking Care of Employees



    Externally, Atunas is proactive in promoting leisure sports, and internally, the company also encourages employees to balance work, life, charity and sports. In addition to offering "volunteer leave" to encourage employees' participation in social services, Atunas is the industry pioneer in introducing "sports leave" on top of annual paid leaves. Employees who aspire to pursue challenging sports can easily apply by providing photographic proof.

   In every September before the start of new school year, Atunas Chairman Cheng Kun would write letters to greet and inspire employee's children in elementary or junior high schools along with NT$5,000 in scholarships. The aim is to bring cohesion and warmth in the workplace. Cheng grew up with love and had countless outdoor adventures with his father.  That's why he brings infinite passion to work, life, and the environment and creates a unique outdoor brand that is resilient and ambitious.

撰文:TEBA 台灣精品品牌協會 

Written by TEBA(Taiwan Excellent Brand Association)


English translated by Harley Huang

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