MacroHI - Every dollar you spend is choosing the world you want




"Every dollar you spend is choosing the world you want." Eric Chen, aka 'Mr. Scalp', founder of MacroHI

在競爭激烈的髮品市場,這家只有 130人的企業,成功創造差異化,找到獨特的品牌定位。美科實業專攻頭皮養護,建立領先全球的頭皮大數據庫;近年更力推永續,邀供應商導入綠電開發低碳瓶器建立回收系統。產品已行銷20餘國的美科深信:用消費改變社會、與夥伴共榮、與環境共好。

In the fiercely competitive hair products market, how can this company with only 130 employees create differentiation and find a unique brand position? MacroHI specializes in scalp care and owns a world-leading scalp database. In recent years, it goes all-in on sustainability, inviting suppliers to use green electricity, develop low-carbon bottles, and establish recycling systems. With products sold in +20 countries, MacroHI believes that ‘consumption can change the world’ and ‘prosper with partners and the environment.’ 


愛護頭皮也愛地球 永續是企業DNA

Care for scalp and the earth; corporate DNA: sustainability






    "Dear colleagues, please turn off the lights that are not needed!"


    During the lunch break, the energy-saving patrol reminded everyone in the office to turn off unused lights and adjust the air conditioner to the appropriate temperature. Several colleagues took out their own lunch boxes and utensils and went out to buy lunch. Also be sure to bring your own reusable bags. Carbon reduction, plastic reduction, and waste sorting are daily routines. They are deeply rooted in the hearts of every employee and have become the corporate DNA.

    MacroHI, a scalp care brand located in Zhonghe, New Taipei City, is a TEBA member and a certified B corp. A small and medium-sized enterprise, it’s as conscious as listed company in energy conservation and carbon reduction. In 2023, each employee reduced waste for an average of over 30%. After introducing green electricity in 2022, more than 50% of the power usage in MacroHI’s headquarters are supplied by renewable energy. The flagship store of its hairdressing and scalp cleaning brand "juliArt" start using solar power in this year, supplying 30% of the store’s electricity in 2024 and 50% by 2025. The store is going to achieve carbon neutrality in 2025. 

跑贏巴黎氣候協定 達成組織碳中和

Outperform the Paris Agreement, Organizational Carbon Neutrality Achieved


  2024年美科通過第三方認證,達成「PAS 2060 組織碳中和」,比巴黎協定2050年碳中和目標提早了26年。如今美科產品已行銷20餘國,讓全球使用者得以透過「消費」改變世界。美科並進一步承諾,將在2030年達成淨零碳排

    Hair care industry is a fiercely competitive market, and MacroHI found its unique positon and brand value by specializing in scalp care. It started to build “ScalpX”, a huge scalp database and has been working with hospitals and clinics to help patients with severe skin problems such as seborrhea and psoriasis. In recent years, MacroHI went all-in in ESG: reducing carbon emissions in organizational operations, practicing sustainability in products and building consensus in the supply chain.

   In 2024, MacroHI was certified as "PAS 2060 organizational carbon neutral", 26 years ahead of the Paris Agreement's goal of carbon neutral in 2025. Today, MacroHI’s products have been sold in more than 20 countries, allowing users around the world to change the world through "consumption". MacroHI further pledged to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2030.

掀起無壓頭革命 綠色消費改變世界

A Pump-Free Revolution: Driving Change Through Green Consumption




    "Why doesn’t this shampoo bottle have a pump?"


    If you find a hair care product without a pump, don’t assume it’s a factory oversight – it may be part of a new trend in plastic reduction. In 2023, MacroHI’s brand juliArt launched the "Pump-Free Green Action," noting that pumps made from PE, PP, and metal are challenging to recycle due to low economic value, high recycling cost and the complexity of recycling processes. To encourage consumers to "reuse" and "properly recycle," juliArt pledged to plant a tree for every 50 pumps saved.

    In the following four months, consumer response was overwhelming, saving over 3,000 pumps and planting 60 trees. By the end of 2023, 96.32% of juliArt's 1000mL products had switched to flat caps, reducing single-use plastic by an estimated 527 kg and cutting CO2e emissions by over 1,063 kg – the equivalent of planting more than 73 20-year-old trees.

綠色研發 全生命周期的永續

Green R&D for Life Cycle Sustainability 

  美科的產品,從容器到內容物,都奉行永續概念。旗艦品牌juliArt覺亞2023年銷售的產品中,78%的瓶身以「消費後回收塑料PCR」製成;另一品牌「AROMASE艾瑪絲」的明星產品「5α捷利爾頭皮淨化液系列」則於2021年取得「搖籃到搖籃」(Cradle to Cradle,C2C)銀級認證,是亞洲第一。


    MacroHI have made its products, from containers to contents, with sustainability in mind. Among the products sold by the flagship brand juliArt in 2023, 78% of the bottles are made of " post-consumer recycled plastic PCR"; the star product "5α JELIER Scalp Purifying Liquid Series" of another brand "AROMASE" was certified with "Cradle to Cradle (C2C)" silver grade in 2021, ranking first in Asia.

    To accelerate its path to net-zero emissions, MacroHI also established green R&D guidelines, prioritizing life cycle assessments (LCA) from raw material sourcing to production, transport, use, and disposal.  Raw material carbon footprint were carefully calculated. All these efforts will be considered when manufacturing products.

供應鏈一起來 以行動落實SDGS

Supply Chain Collaboration in ESG action





    "Take a whiff, touch it, and guess what plant is in the box. Find it in the field!"

    At its volunteer day in August 2024, MacroHI invited employees of partner factories to participate. They visited an organic farm in Toucheng, Yilan, with similar sustainability values, exploring circular farming and understanding the positive impact of corporations on society and the environment. In 2023, MacroHI also invited 23 partners to participate in tree planting and maintenance, planting 300 trees and fostering shared values with its partners.

    To create a sustainable supply chain, MacroHI conducts ESG assessments for key raw material suppliers every year. Suppliers that meet the standards and can provide certification will be given priority when placing purchase orders. MacroHI also requires partners to sign the "Supplier Code of Conduct", assists OEMs in product carbon footprint certification, ensures that the raw material production process is environmentally friendly, coaches suppliers in the introduction of green electricity, and ensures that labor rights and interests are protected.

盲人點字洗髮精 照顧者同盟

Braille Shampoo, Caregivers Alliance



    Have you ever seen braille designs on shampoo bottles and cans? MacroHI’s sustainable actions are also reflected in its social impact.  Seeing the needs of the visually impaired, MacroHI launched bottles with "shampoo" written in Chinese and English braille on the front and back; for family caregivers who are often neglected by the society, MacroHI called on 21 companies to form a "Caregiver Alliance Team" and has held nearly 350 scalp health respite activities for caregivers, benefiting a total of 30,000 people.  MacroHI also provides free scalp products to patients with severe dermatitis such as seborrhea and psoriasis, and tours around Taiwan to provide scalp health check-ups.

    "If I'm not in the laboratory, I'm on the way to it;" Eric Chen, aka. Mr. Scalp the founder of MacroHI, has invested in the scalp field since 2004, developing scalp hair products, promoting scalp testing and building up big data, establishing an education college and scalp care certification system. With the same enthusiasm, MacroHI exerted a positive influence on society through its products and brand power, because Mr. Scalp firmly believes that "if MacroHI doesn't bring value to the society, then there's no meaning in our existence.”

撰文:TEBA 台灣精品品牌協會 

Written by TEBA(Taiwan Excellent Brand Association)

contact TEBA for more Taiwan brands:


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