Everlight Chemical - Embraces the Biblical Love in Building a Greener Future



Everlight Chemical Embraces the Biblical Love in Building a Greener Future


The chemical dye industry has long been associated with pollution, but Everlight Chemical has shattered this perception by becoming a model of environmental sustainability. Starting in 2005, the company committed to carbon auditing with a target of reducing carbon emissions by 26% by 2031. In 2023, sustainable products accounted for 70% of Everlight Chemical's total revenue. Through the development of water-saving, energy-efficient, salt- and alkali-free chemical dyes, Everlight Chemical has extended its partnerships across semiconductor, opto-electronic and other industries and became a high-tech chemical group representing Taiwan in the global stage.



Everlight's thanksgiving service in 2021. The founder family are devout Christians and embraces biblical love in corporate values.

員工健康我來顧 化學染料廠打造幸福企業方程式

Taking Care of Employee Health: Crafting a “Happy Enterprise” Formula at a Chemical Dye Plant






    Basketball players pour their energy into the game, competing fiercely, while spectators on the sidelines enthusiastically cheer and shout, heightening the game’s atmosphere to a peak!

      Looking closer, one notices that these players, speaking in different languages and with diverse backgrounds, are not local Taiwanese. This is a special sports event organized by Everlight Chemical specifically for its foreign employees. In 2023, Everlight Chemical employed 134 foreign workers. To help them balance work and health, the company provides sports facilities, organizes various recreational activities, and holds year-end Thanksgiving services and dinners. Regular counseling sessions and church fellowship opportunities are also offered, allowing foreign employees to feel a sense of belonging in Taiwan.

      Caring for employees’ physical and mental health also involves taking care of their dietary needs. Across four plant locations in Guanyin and Dayuan in Taoyuan, Everlight Chemical’s staff cafeterias have earned “Low Carbon, Healthy Kitchen” certifications from Taoyuan City. These cafeterias use local seasonal ingredients, minimize carbon footprints and pesticide residues, and focus on nutritious, low-sodium meals that provide employees with safe and satisfying dining experiences.

企業ESG把員工當資產 助力育兒讓爸媽安心上班

Valuing Employees as Assets in ESG: Supporting Childcare for Peace of Mind at Work




    To help employees balance work and family and reduce commute time for childcare, Everlight Chemical began collaborating with local community preschools 11 years ago, offering employees discounted childcare services. Additionally, parents of newborns receive a NT$20,000 birth incentive and NT$2,000 per child as birth subsidies, benefiting 18 employees with a total of NT$360,000 in 2023.

   Furthermore, Everlight Chemical awards annual educational scholarships for employees’ children, benefiting 575 children from 224 employees in 2023. The company also provides living allowances and holiday support for children of deceased employees, demonstrating its commitment to a people-centered social responsibility.

傳統塗料高階化 提升技術含金量創造永續附加價值

Advancing Traditional Coatings: Enhancing Technological Value and Creating Sustainable Added Value




    With a 52-year history, Everlight Chemical ranks as Asia’s leading and one of the world’s top five dye manufacturers. Its specialized chemicals include UV stabilizers (UVA) for semiconductor processes, UV absorbers, as well as electronic chemicals like photoresists and polishing solutions, traditional pigment chemicals, pharmaceutical chemicals, and nanomaterials. To create environmentally friendly and non-toxic products, Everlight Chemical invests 4% of its revenue and over 10% of its workforce in R&D annually.


    For instance, coating materials are used in car exteriors, high-speed train compartments, buildings, and wooden furniture. However, coatings exposed to prolonged sunlight can yellow, chalk, or crack. Adding UV stabilizers protects them, but early stabilizers were oil-soluble molecules that clumped in water-based paints. 

    Everlight Chemical’s innovation efforts led to UV-resistant products without volatile organic compounds (VOCs), avoiding harm to humans and the environment. This revolutionary coating technology has received numerous national awards, underscoring Everlight Chemical’s commitment to high-value-added product development toward an ultimate goal of environmental sustainability.


Everlight Chemical was founded in 1972; the first factory was build in Yingge, New Taipei City, Taiwan.

永光的綠色產品Eversorb® AQ獲2024台灣精品獎,右為董事長陳建信。

2024 Taiwan Excellence Award was given to Everlight for its green product Eversorb® AQ. Chairman James Chen(right) receive the medal.

投入循環經濟 目標「有害化學物質零排放、零廢棄」

Pursuing a Circular Economy with Goals of “Zero Emission of Hazardous Chemicals and Zero Waste”



    Recognizing that effective carbon reduction is crucial for global competitiveness, Everlight Chemical has invested in circular economy research for over a decade, striving to reduce resource consumption and waste and convert hazardous chemicals into reusable resources.

    For example, in its dye production process, Everlight Chemical generates about 950 tons of dilute sulfuric acid annually. To mitigate environmental impact, the company used to neutralize and transport the waste for further treatment. Adopting circular economy principles, it now combines dilute sulfuric acid with iron slag to create ferrous sulfate for wastewater treatment, saving NT$3.6 million in disposal costs and NT$3 million in ferrous sulfate procurement annually, achieving both economic and sustainable circular goals.


打造循環經濟供應鏈 永光化學呼朋引伴作伙來

Building a Circular Economy Supply Chain: Collaboration Across Industries



    However, the circular economy cannot thrive in isolation. Collaboration with industry partners is essential for broader impact. Working with upstream and downstream suppliers, Everlight Chemical replaced raw material drum packaging with bulk shipments, storing materials in batches based on order schedules. This optimization reduces the use of 8,000 waste iron drums annually, saving NT$7.5 million in processing costs.

    Additionally, Everlight Chemical collaborates with external vendors to recycle plastic waste from its plants into pyrolysis oil, reducing plastic waste disposal costs while achieving circular economy goals.

永續不是只有公司的事 由下到上參與翻轉員工思維

Sustainability is Everyone’s Responsibility: Empowering Employee Engagement from the Bottom Up

  永光化學集團營運據點20處、全球員工超過1800人,為了讓更多員工認同循環經濟、提升參與程度,永光化學在內部設立了「 循環經濟推動委員會」,定期召開會議檢討執行成果,同時公司也設定提案KPI,敦促各單位構思循環經濟做法,通過審查的小組可拿獎金並試行,經由腦力激盪和獎勵機制,提升員工參與感,也激發出循環經濟的更多可能性。


  在此同時,永光化學也進行了製程與設備優化,逐步汰換老舊設備,像是冰水機、空壓機、製冰機等,另外推動能源系統化管理,並投資建置再生能源,都有助於減少溫室氣體排放。總計2023年永光化學成功節電1231千度,減少碳排量約609 tCO2e,相當於5萬750棵樹木一年所吸收之碳排放總量。



    With over 20 operating sites and 1,800 employees worldwide, Everlight Chemical has established an internal “Circular Economy Promotion Committee” to review implementation results. The company also set proposal KPIs to encourage departments to suggest circular practices. Teams that pass the review receive bonuses and pilot their ideas, promoting employee involvement and exploring more possibilities within the circular economy.

    According to Everlight Chemical's 2023 Sustainability Report, the company has achieved remarkable progress in water conservation. Through equipment water recycling and everyday water-saving initiatives, total recycled and reused water volume reached 10,942.5 million liters in 2023, equivalent to saving 4,377 standard swimming pools’ worth of water.

      Simultaneously, Everlight Chemical has optimized its processes and equipment, replacing outdated machinery like chillers, air compressors, and ice makers, and implemented systematic energy management  along with renewable energy investments, all contributing to reduced greenhouse gas emissions. In 2023, the company saved 1,231 kWh, reducing carbon emissions by approximately 609 tCO2e, equivalent to the annual carbon absorption of 50,750 trees.

      Furthermore, Everlight Chemical has increased waste recycling rates, achieving an industrial waste recycling rate of 71%, with 6,125.2 tons of waste recycled and reused out of 8,616.0 tons produced in 2023, and hazardous waste recovery at 10.3% (181.3 tons).

      Not only focused on sustainable operations, Everlight Chemical has made environmental protection a corporate mission, pioneering high-tech chemical innovations that reshape the chemical industry and contribute to a better society.


Everlight's internal workshop on circular economy.


The pledge for greener products in Everlight's product catalogue.

撰文:TEBA 台灣精品品牌協會 

Written by TEBA(Taiwan Excellent Brand Association)

contact TEBA for more Taiwan brands: jennylo@teba.org.tw


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